Saturday, November 22, 2008

E Pals

In May I blogged about e pals.
For the second half of the year, my class has been connecting with a school in the states through our wikis. This has been very exciting for the kids, and has created a great learning opportunity on many levels. We received a parcel from them, and then put together some things to send to them. The kids selected some art work and two books to send. They took great pride in selecting the things to send.
Have a look at our record of the parcels.
Have a look at our epals wikispace. This school has connected with several school around the world, and keep track through their wiki. I think this a great idea.
Give epals a go.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Leadteachers' Day

On Monday spent the day with lead teachers for the Feilding ICTPD Cluster. Had a great day with Suzie Vesper. She showed us her leadteachers wiki. "It's on the wiki"

Thanks Suzie for another great resource.